For Patients

Anesthesia. It’s not something most patients or their families think about, even when we think about our healthcare. That is, until we are about to have a surgical or outpatient procedure that requires anesthesia. At Weill Cornell Anesthesiology, we understand you might have questions. Questions about what your anesthesiologist will do. Or general questions about anesthesia for an upcoming procedure. Or you may have questions about how we provide long-term or outpatient care for post-operative pain management and the treatment of chronic pain (what is known as pain management or pain medicine).

For all these reasons, this section of our website aims to give you answers to those questions. Remember, though, websites like this one are just a starting point. If you have questions about your procedure, about a treatment, or about anesthesia you are supposed to receive, you can and should ask your doctor directly.

There are several different types of anesthesia. Find out about them here.

We have a brief guide as to what you can expect from a procedure requiring anesthesia.

Different types of surgery and treatment require different kinds of anesthetics. Find about these subspecialties here.

If you’re looking for information about longer-term or outpatient pain management, see this section for an overview.

If you have been under our care recently, you may have received a bill from Weill Cornell Anesthesiology. Information about how to contact us about billing questions can be found here.

Contact Us

Dept. of Anesthesiology
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine
525 East 68th Street, Box 124
New York, NY 10065

Office of the Chair
Phone: (212) 746-2962
E-mail:  Office of the Chair, [email protected]

Residency and Fellowship Education
Direct all inquiries to:
Phone: (212) 746-2941
E-mail: [email protected]
For trainee verification inquiries: [email protected]

Patient Billing Inquiries
Phone: (646) 962-5700